53 شارع عبد الله السعود , هليوبلس
مصر الجديدة، القـــاهرة، مصر
0226424263 - 0226370063
ProJobs was established in 2000 , to provide companies with recruitment and training services. We provide our services to many different organizations in all industries in the middle east and Africa region. Considered at the forefront, ProJobs has been responsible for services initiatives that have provided our clients with significant benefits. The Key Element for Success and Prosperity is our Goal to meet your Expectations. We unite Talents with opportunities to provide our Business Partners with high quality Professional Services in terms of Recruitment and Training Services. We are committed to our Clients and Candidates to always find the perfect solution in a timely and effective Manner. The Values guiding us is professionalism , passion and partner ship and effective communication Skills underlie our daily Success , allowing long outstanding partnerships . Our Personal Touch is the passion , we add in our every day Activities on behalf of our Clients .
دليل شركات التوظيف و الحاق العمالة في مصر و المملكه العربية و السعوديه و الامارات العربية المتحدة و دول الخليج هو بوابتك الاولي للوصول الي افضل و ارقي الوظائف في اكبر الشركات العالمية.
هذا الدليل سيساعدك علي البحث و الوصول الي الشركات بسرعه و سهولة
شركات توظيف و الحاق عمالة - شركات موارد بشرية و استشارات - وظائف في شركات توظيف
هذا الموقع محمي بموجب حقوق النشر و الملكية الفكرية. كل الحقوق محفوظة لـ ewazefa.com