International Dry Ice Company (DIFCO2) 12 Boutros Ghaly st.Roxy, Heliopolis, Cairo
مصر الجديدة، القـــاهرة، مصر
DIFCO2 (SAE) was founded in 1997, and our growth and success during this time is a testament to the hard work and dedication of our dynamic team. We were the first company in Egypt to start manufacturing and distribution of dry ice to the market, along with dry ice blasting services, and quickly realized that our customers needed more than just a supplier of dry ice. As a result, we have become intensely service oriented and proud of our satisfied customer base. We have the three main parameters of such industry, basically the Dry Ice production facilities, service through dry ice blasting groups along with the dry ice blasting machines and the technical “know-how” which supports our leadership for the total solutions application.
دليل شركات التوظيف و الحاق العمالة في مصر و المملكه العربية و السعوديه و الامارات العربية المتحدة و دول الخليج هو بوابتك الاولي للوصول الي افضل و ارقي الوظائف في اكبر الشركات العالمية.
هذا الدليل سيساعدك علي البحث و الوصول الي الشركات بسرعه و سهولة
شركات توظيف و الحاق عمالة - شركات موارد بشرية و استشارات - وظائف في شركات توظيف
هذا الموقع محمي بموجب حقوق النشر و الملكية الفكرية. كل الحقوق محفوظة لـ