ريسورس وان

Shabab El-Mohandsin Buildings, El-Nasr Road, In front Of Makram Ebbad St.
مدينة نصر، القـــاهرة، مصر




ريسورس وان

Resources-One is one of the fast growing consultancy firms in HR Industry in Egypt. As HR has a strategic role within any organization, Resources One offers related variety of related services like capacity building (Training) and Recruitment both locally and internationally. Resources-One was established in 2007 for one aim, which is developing the Egyptian Corporate Industry through developing its individuals in the HR area. Human capital in Egypt has to be equipped as well as skilled with all the elements ensuring its competitive advantage to fit and compete within the globalization situation. Therefore Resources-One acts like a turnkey solution for organizations wanting to make a real different. Effective productivity of manpower and their abilities to achieve organizational goals starts with a strong and strategic HR Management.

دليل شركات التوظيف المصريه

دليل شركات التوظيف و الحاق العمالة في مصر و المملكه العربية و السعوديه و الامارات العربية المتحدة و دول الخليج هو بوابتك الاولي للوصول الي افضل و ارقي الوظائف في اكبر الشركات العالمية.
هذا الدليل سيساعدك علي البحث و الوصول الي الشركات بسرعه و سهولة

شركات توظيف و الحاق عمالة - شركات موارد بشرية و استشارات - وظائف في شركات توظيف

هذا الموقع محمي بموجب حقوق النشر و الملكية الفكرية. كل الحقوق محفوظة لـ ewazefa.com