
43 Ahmed Orabi Street - El Mohandeseen - Giza - Egypt
المهندسين، الجيزه، مصر

01001328475 - 01123377740 - 01123377750


info@elnader.com - elnader886@gmail.com


Al Nader Company was originated to recruit Egyptians abroad license No. 886 to meet the needs of the Arab market in all countries of employment in all disciplines, and that new thinking and scientific method achieves the highest levels of accuracy in selecting labor users in the various forms of advertising and scientific marketing for different cadres by getting it classified by computer form through high-level advisory committees that are opinion guided and the computer network will be linked to the installations that are dealing with the company to get all the information about the required cadres at anytime willing recruited. The company register the employment history according to forms that are filled to show the scientific level of certifications and years of experience as well as the willingness of immediate travelling, social conditions and the average of the required salary and what includes so that the information must be ready upon request from the authorities and bodies, hospitals, institutions, and enterprises wishing to bring Egyptian employment. We present ourselves to the Arab market and we hope we might receive the honor of our clients trust in our services that we excel in terms of both the company’s headquarter is located in a privileged location as it is in Ahmed Orabi Street, Al Mohandeseen, next to a chain of hotels and distinctive tourist places. And outfitted with of what the client needs as computers, imaging to faxes, internet, telephone, vehicles and meeting and interviews halls, which are made by high-level committees to select, test and classify the employment. As for us to be proud of our precedent work and our dealings with major hospitals, clinics, institutions, factories, schools, institute and construction companies, construction and engineering, computers and farms. As we ask Allah almighty to make us the source of good will, trust and honesty.

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هذا الموقع محمي بموجب حقوق النشر و الملكية الفكرية. كل الحقوق محفوظة لـ ewazefa.com