P.O. Box 21023
South Africa
جنوب افريقيا، جنوب افريقيا، افريقيا
Global Career Search is an international recruitment consultancy specialising in professional level placements for all major industry sectors across the Globe. Our success is based on our first-hand knowledge and direct experience in providing international recruitment services to clients in the Middle East, South East Asia, UK and Africa. Our database reaches out to all the major countries in the world and includes candidates from places like South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, United Kingdom, Europe, America, Canada, the Sub-Continent, the Middle East and many others. Our philosophy is to provide an equally professional service to our clients and our candidates by developing long term relationships with those who choose to be part of a niche group of professionals who add value to their places of employment and their own careers by associating with the best the world has to offer.
دليل شركات التوظيف و الحاق العمالة في مصر و المملكه العربية و السعوديه و الامارات العربية المتحدة و دول الخليج هو بوابتك الاولي للوصول الي افضل و ارقي الوظائف في اكبر الشركات العالمية.
هذا الدليل سيساعدك علي البحث و الوصول الي الشركات بسرعه و سهولة
شركات توظيف و الحاق عمالة - شركات موارد بشرية و استشارات - وظائف في شركات توظيف
هذا الموقع محمي بموجب حقوق النشر و الملكية الفكرية. كل الحقوق محفوظة لـ ewazefa.com